Tuesday, September 15, 2015

But My Neighbor…

One of the most common complaints that people have about the Social Security Disability process, and one of the most common sources of frustration for people applying for Social Security Disability Benefits, is the story of that one guy that everyone knows who’s on disability but has nothing wrong with him. Whether it’s a neighbor, a friend of a friend, or a cousin, almost everyone has heard about someone who doesn’t seem to be disabled but who is getting monthly benefits. These stories are especially frustrating for people who have applied and been denied despite having a more severe condition.

However, these stories are often not entirely true, and there could be several possible explanations for why someone who seems undeserving is getting benefits while someone who deserves it has to fight so hard.

There are many conditions that are not readily or visually apparent. Kidney or liver disease, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and every mental condition are just a few examples of conditions that a person might have but that others may not be able to see or that they may not feel comfortable sharing with someone other than their doctor.

Another very important thing to remember is that Social Security Disability Benefits are not awarded merely based on how sick you are. Social Security Benefits are based on whether you meet the strict legal definition of “disabled,” which is based on your ability to work moreso than your medical condition.

This is why it is so important to have an attorney represent you through the entire process. An attorney will be able to present your case in a way that demonstrates that you are legally disabled, rather than conventionally disabled.

Contact our Grand Rapids office today for a free consultation, located here in Kent County in West Michigan.